Coding and Graphics - New Blogskin
Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 6:37 PM
New layout/blogskin! Cheers. I don't like this much as the other one I made (basically with the same image, and background, but I couldn't figure out the coding, so I decided to drop that "project"), but... whatever. I guess it's still quite good considering the fact that even altering blogger codes is freaking hard for me, and that putting this together took some hours. Well, not the graphics part.
I used an older blend of mine as the header, and the background was made by me, too! Aren't I awesome?
Anywho. When I came home from
school ice-skating, my feet were sooo dead. Since it's Saturday, and we had school for a really pathetic reason (which I won't explain to you all, because it's effing boring), aaand there are
many Formula 1 fans in our class, aaaand luckily we have televisions in many classrooms, I think you can guess what we watched during breaks. Some friends of mine asked if I wanted to go ice-skating after school, but I was not sure, at all, because I SUCK at skating. Really. I'm hopeless. Once I get the hold of the movements, I forget how they were the next time I go to the ice rink.
This time it was waaay better. I mean, everyone tried to help me, by holding my hands, encouraging me, and telling me that I'm absolutely not bad. It made me feel so good.
Even those men/guys, who are basically kind of "security guards on ice" came to me often, and taught me! It was kind of scary and kind at the same time. Anyway, I enjoyed myself! There were some funny conversations between me and V, a guy from my class.
Me: I'm scared!
V: What are you scared of?
Me: Erm.. falling? Making an idiot out of myself?
V: So what if you fall? It doesn't hurt. So what if you make an idiot out of yourself? You are already doing it.
Me: Well, thanks. *almost falls, grabs V's arm strongly*
V: You know, if you grab my arm like that, I'll fall, too.
Me: So what if you fall? It doesn't hurt! Isn't that so?
V: Thanks for reminding me...
*Me snaps to the wall of the rink*
V: Are you alive?
Me: *no answer*
V: You are like my cat. If she needs something, she goes "Meow!". If she wants to 'complain' about something she goes "Meow!". But if she gets into water, she goes... "Meooooooooooooooooow!"
Me: It's not my fault in the first place, that the guard guy took me to the middle of the rink, which is like an enormous sea for me.
V: *looks at me*
Me: Meow?
All in all, I'm glad that I went!
Ice-skating rocks. (Too bad that I fail at it, but, oh well!)
Edit: As I mentioned, the blend was done like... a year (?) ago, so I don't know exactly which sites to credit for the brushes and pictures. If you think I have used yours, please write an e-mail/comment, and I will put your name and site in the Credits section.
Labels: rima, sports, update
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