Be a Good Sister
Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 10:03 PM
I think that having a good relationship between your siblings is really important. Siblings can understand you the most (for example, when you had an argument with your parents), and give helpful advice, as well. You can share basically anything with them, even things, which you wouldn't talk about with your parents. But you should also give something in return.
You should be a good sister. Wonder how to do that?
First of all,
ALWAYS remember your sibling's birthday. It's a must. I bet you would feel quite sad, too, if your brother/sister would forget yours. Buy or make your sibling a nice present (it doesn't have to be expensive, duh!). I bought a Spongebob clock to my brother when he was 17. He loved it, and still treasures it. For his 16th birthday I gave him a pillowcase with a picture of him and me printed on it.
Be creative!Don't lose touch with your sibling! Be sure to listen to their problems, and try to help them out.
Talk with them whenever you can, and try not to argue too much. If I have a busy day (which I happen to have often), I still go to my bro's room at night, when I'm done with learning, and ask him how things are going. Even if he is chatting with his friends, he always tells me the important things, and asks my opinion about it. He often comes to me to ask if the clothes he is wearing look good on him, and what tips would I give. I think it's awesome.
I didn't have this good relationship some years ago. We got along, trusted each other, but didn't share every little piece of our lives. Now it's different.
I decided to become a better sister when I was about 11. I wanted to become The Good Sister. For everyone's sake.
When your sibling's friends come over, make popcorn for them, or give them a packet of crips, etc. (In a bowl - be exacting!) You can also make fruit salad, lots of people love that.
Rate of effectiveness: 5/5
Comments: Your siblings and his/her friends will remember you, for sure. They will know that your brother/sister has got That Cute Sister Who is Always So Kind. Pretty worth it.
Don't compete with your sibling. Waste of energy, and your relationship won't get better, either. Also,
NEVER lie to them. (I guess we can make white lies an exception.)
If you have got a younger sister or brother,
help them out with homework. Explain it to them clearly, but
don't tell them the answers to the questions. They have to solve them theirselves.
Try to make lots of activities with them! Go to concerts/cinema together, play sports, things like these. (I go to the cinema every second week with my sisters, and I tell you, it's effective. We make lots of memories, even if it's about sitting in a dark room watching a movie while eating popcorn.)
All in all,
becoming your sibling's friend is the key. But you must treasure this kind of friendship, and
never ever let it go.
Labels: family, siblings
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