Busy, busy...
Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 8:04 PM
I haven't been too active lately. I just need to work out some things in real life. Everything is quite messed up, my grades have been awkward lately, and I have got some other issues, as well.
Right now I should be writing a poem to a classmate of mine (whom I need to buy a present, because of "Class Xmas"... you know, when you pull out someone's name and you have to buy that person a lovely gift. My mother offered me to do the shopping, and she bought a) an adorable plushie keychain b) a dvd (anyone knows the movie "American Dreamz?" I don't. c) a box of chocolate and d) an English-German language learning software. Quite good, I guess?) and learning for Grammar.
But, because I'm so lame, I decided to do everything apart from these two "jobs" today. After I came home, I wrapped the presents (erm, chocolate?) of my friends, did the dishes, my German homework, catched up on some blogs, and I'm about to do some graphical work for my brother.
I suck?
(Oh, and by the way! Tomorrow's daily horoscope: "You're slogging through something that seems to be a lot harder than it should be." Oh, thanks. Helped a lot. But it's still true.)
Labels: rima
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Our Xmas Wishlist!
Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 5:33 PM
What would (almost) EVERY School Girl want? I wonder... but here are my ideas.
Edward Cullen. - Seriously, look at him! Who wouldn't want her own Ed-clone for Christmas?

(In case you are one of the not-so many people who wouldn't want to have him... can I have yours, too?) He is handsome, passionate, intelligent and he says ", you are my life now"! And, as my current messenger avatar says: Edward Cullen - Raising the standards for future boyfriends.
iPhone. - It's fashionable, intelligent, and up-to-date. Besides, did you know that iPhone is more popular with females than with males? Oh, and of course: phone comes with cute accessories!

Magazine subscriptions. - Best present ever, if someone doesn't know what to buy for you. Subscriptions are always good.
Carina. - It might be small... but who cares,

seriously? I want my Carina, for sure! (By the way,
Vikki's new layout features Carina - oh, my cuteness!)
It's effing adorable. And rare.
And I want one.5.
Gossip Girl DVD Set. - I bet that lots of girls (and boys) are in love with the series, and even if you don't know the story, or basically anything about it, you should give it a shot.
Perfume. - I have a wierd crush on perfumes (which happen to be awesome presents). Don't you?

Closet update. - Most girls are in love with clothes. And there can

never be "enough" pieces in our closets. Fashion dictates, and we follow it, if it suits us (and our tastes). But who has got that much money? So, pretty please. Get us some clothes. (But ask us first, because I have got enough knitted jumpers, Granny-style, already. Kthxbye.)
PBteen Get-Ready Set. - "A get-ready station on wheels. A tilting mirror with regular and magnified reflection sits atop a two-level removable caddy. Sturdy steel trays and a plastic bin provide extra storage. Takes up minimal space. Metal frame with satin-nickel finish." Umm, seriously.
Who wouldn't want to have one? Note: Presents are not in order - except for Edward Cullen, of course.
Note No. 2: Didn't want to be
that greedy, so I decided to stick with only 8 presents. Hehe. I doubt that we can compare the value of Carina and an iPhone, though.
Labels: Christmas, holidays, presents
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Girl Meets Blog # 1
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @ 7:28 PM
I guess I'm starting to have way too many monthly features (I wonder if it's bad or good, actually), so I'll say that they will be more like... a little help for me, when I don't know what to write. I won't consider them a "must". Just for the record.
You got it right - a new feature is coming up (and not only for my very own entertainment, because of my addiction to MFs).
I will "review" (=post a little something) about a blog I read, every month and you may get to love them, too. I'm currently subscribed to 11 blogs and am still fighting with myself whether to add another 3. And when I say 11, then it's 11 without graphic sites' blogs. Seems like reading and writing blogs is my lame addiction. Oh, well.
Aaaand December's blog iiiis.... *drumroll*
Why? Because I'm hopelessly addicted to it. Cordy tells us about her feelings and guy problems (oh, I can relate to them...) in an interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes sad way.
To describe it with her own words...
"I'm Cordy. I'm in love with my best friend. This blog is part of my very feeble, sad little attempt to get over him and get on with my life - at least that was the original plan.This blog is mostly just about me being pathetic and wallowing in my feelings. It's the only place I can really talk about it, since I like to try to hide the truth of my completely idiotic, neverending crush-that-will-not-die from my real life friends whenever possible. I do think about other things, and have other thoughts, and even non-boy related goals and an actual job and an IQ, but here on my blog it's pretty much all boys, all the time."Note that it's fiction! (I didn't realize it until I saw it on the sidebar. Can't tell how disappointed I was, it seemed way too real!)
Tell me whether you liked it or not. :)
Labels: entertainment, Girl Meets Blog, love
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Have No Clue About Avoiding Becoming Bad
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 6:17 PM
When I typed "how to avoid becoming bad" in Google, "how to avoid becoming a victim of bad plastic surgery" popped up. But that's not exactly what I meant... And I couldn't find a single article about my problem. So I'll have to figure this one out by myself.
After moving I was absolutely tired and I didn't care about anything anymore. I learnt only about an hour or two every day, did some chores and that's it. Why bother caring about life if no one cares about me? Erm, yeah, doesn't make much sense, but maybe some of you might understand.
My grades are awkward and no one understands what has happened to that cute, hard-working girl I was. Neither do I, to be honest. But! I'll write some tips for myself and everyone else.
How To Avoid Becoming (a) Bad (Person)! ...When You Are Having a Troublesome Time in Your Life.1. Go out for a walk everyday or lay down for about half an hour. Try not to think about anything that has been bothering you lately, so -->
2. Talk with friends about your problems. Even if you can't solve them, it's good to know that they are supporting you.
3. Write, draw, sing - express yourself. Consider this a therapy!
4. Listen to calming music. Avoid rock, punk, and such... (no offense, I LOVE rock and punk, but listening to them doesn't seem to be a good idea lately!)
5. Try learning as much as you can, even if you want to give up on everything, already. "Why the heck do I need to learn things like these?" is not an acceptable thought. Learning is your job. End. Of. Story.
That's it. Hope it works not only for me.
Labels: avoiding becoming bad, problems
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SG Loves Music
Saturday, December 6, 2008 @ 11:37 AM
Oh, I haven't seen sunshine in weeks! And now, here it is. Sunshine > Rain and Snow. Absolutely. Anyway this boosts my creativity.
Which results in another monthly feature: SG Loves Music. I'll show you ten songs you every month, which you might like, as well, because they are oh-so awesome. Rock, hip-hop, disco, pop, doesn't matter. My taste in music is quite complicated, I listen to almost everything. (I like music, not genres, as they say.)
I Caught Myself - Paramore: After
downloading buying Twilight soundtrack, I fell in love with this song immidiately. I really love that it's not depressing, but still has a certain
sad happy complicated feeling to it.
Suna no Oshiro - Kanon Wakeshima: I don't know whether I should consider this J-rock, gothic, electrical, classical or something else. The song is currently the ending theme of Vampire Knight Guilty anime.
Hero - Charlotte Perrelli: This song caught my attention while listening to it on the radio. I just like it, and not only, because I like disco. It's quite lively.
Let's See How Far We've Come - Mathbox Twenty: I love the lyrics! Matchbox Twenty seriously rocks. The song is kind of funny and sad at the same time. Amazing. How could they even put these two feelings in one song?
River Flows In You - Yiruma: I'm sure you've heard the rumour about Yiruma's song becoming Bella's Lullaby. But it turned out to be Carter Burwell's (
who most likely doesn't know what a lullaby is *cough*). Yiruma's fans were relieved that he didn't get involved with the whole Twilight hysteria, but on the other hand,
lots of people dislike Carter's "lullaby". (I think you can guess what I personally think about the whole issue.)
All-American Girl - Carrie Underwood: Cheerful song, gotta love it. Simple as that. It makes me smile everytime I listen to it.
Same Mistake - James Blunt: Have you seen the movie "P.S. I Love You"? I did, and I loved it. This song is from its soundtrack. James Blunt's voice is beautiful (even if it's not that "manly"). Caution! Song makes you (want to) cry.
Collapsed - Aly & Aj: Aly & Aj have always been one of my favourite bands/singers. I love all of their songs, so I had a hard time choosing which one to feature this month. I eventually decided to stick with this, because "Collapsed" was the first song I've heard from them. And I fell in love with it...
Liar - Vanilla Ninja: Girl band, again. But this time the genre is rock. Song is made of pure awesomeness.
Blind - Lifehouse: First song I heard from them (that's what I chose this song, same reason at Song No. 8), and I had this "omfg" feeling. Because Lifehouse's lyrics are just a-ma-zing!! All of them. Seriously. If you like this song, check some other ones, too. (For example, "Hanging By A Moment", "We'll Never Know" or "Take Me Away".)
Labels: entertainment, SG loves music
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Wierd Question Number Three - Blogging
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 7:43 PM
Right now I'm practically unable to concentrate on anything other than my troubled thoughts, so I'll use another monthly feature to write something apart from
RR's Journey in The World of Moving. Today's question will be...
Well, first step.
Think about any blog. Now.
And, here comes the question!
If you were the author of that certain blog, do you think you would enjoy your life and would you change anything about yourself or the blog?Yeah, wierd. But take a look at the name of this feature, hehe. That's the main idea.
Labels: wierd questions
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Top 5 Websites of December
Monday, December 1, 2008 @ 6:44 PM
Woohoo! My favourite monthly feature. I like to share my favourite sites, for an odd reason. But seriously... who doesn't? This month's top sites will be related to Christmas and relaxing. So, here we go!
Gifts.com - Love, love, love. This website helpes me so much when it comes to choosing presents for my beloved ones for Christmas! Even if you don't have much money, and want to make something handmade, you can get great ideas here! And the personality tests are absolutely awesome. And true.
DivineCaroline: I still didn't figure out this site, because I found it today. A collection of articles, blogs, forums and reviews? Maybe. But you can find even more than that here. Games, tips, stories, and many more. Not only good for killing time!
All Things Christmas: "On this page you will find holiday treasures such as printable cards, lyrics to your favorite Christmas carols, songs in MIDI format, unique craft ideas, decorating and tips for christmas shopping and hostess gifts. We have a lot of holiday stories, delicious recipes, links to other holiday web sites, and more, including our Christmas for kids-section, which offers fun, games, riddles, printables,and other goodies just for kids." What else would we need?
Wrong Cards: Because we need to do something evil every once in a while... like sending "wrong" cards to our friends and family. Or just simply laugh a bit, and cheer them up with these.
ICanHasCheezBurger: Kittiehs! And bad grammar. Which we need sometimes. Just like a good bath. Anyway, I'm sure you will love this site. It cheers me up everytime I take a look at the new (and older) pictures. This is one of my all-time favourite sites!
Labels: top 5 websites
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I Can Has A Break?
@ 4:56 PM
Ugh. Moving is still not completely done, because there are still oh so many boxes left and I still didn't find 90% of my clothes, which leads to a small problem: what the hell am I going to wear tomorrow and after that...? I
do plan to go shopping, because I'm in need of new clothes (which girl isn't?), but I don't have any time! I can't even go to my favourite Japanese shop to buy some anime posters to "dress up" my room, at least a bit.
Impossible.I have to stay at home (after school, of course), learn and unpack. Pain in the B. And I have to write an English project today about environment and learn for my Geography test. Dear School... can I have another day off, please? I want to catch up with the blogs I love. And go shopping. And sleep! PLEASE?!
The house is pretty. My room is pretty, but the air is a bit wierd... can't explain. I'm just not used to this place.
I got lost 3 times when coming home. That's why I hate changing my route to school... and going on different buses. I can't even go out and explore the area, yet, because of being busy. Aaaah.
So, right now I'm listening to Twilight OST (love), and trying to convince myself to start learning and stop procrastinating. Hard things to do.
to make things more... colourful, I'll make some photos of my room once I'm done with everything. Or I'll try to be a bit more creative, to make RRR's way more interesting.
I might even make a small chain of posts called "RR's Journey in the World of Moving" or something like that.
Erm, you might have noticed that I wasn't able to "complete" all the monthly features last month. And I feel awkward, but I don't think that I could've posted much, anyway. Busy month. Busy me. But I'll try to give my best this time! Cheers.
Labels: moving, rima
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