Improve Your Self Confidence
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 6:09 PM
I have written about
a similar topic a while ago, but I don't think that one post will just do it. I want you to become more condifent in yourself, because that's one of the most important things you'll need in life. It's also a 'skill' which you might learn at school, or basically anywhere.
Things to do:1.)
Write done what you want to achieve, what your goals are. Always think about a way to reach them. For example, if you want to dance, look up some dance courses and classes, and add their names and telephone numbers next to it.
2.) Did you know that we all talk to ourselves? Even if we don't realize it. If you have done something "bad", and you became ashamed, we always scold ourselves (unless we have a really positive attitude, which is pretty rare nowadays). Now,
silence that voice inside you. Tell it to shut up, and make it fade away. After some time, it will lose its influence on you, and that's another step towards becoming more confident!
Practice good posture! Important, important, important. Take yoga lessons, if needed. (They are pretty awesome, I've done that when I was younger.)
Always look tidy. You should be satisfied with yourself, too, when you look at the mirror. Do you think you need a new haircut? Some make-up? Then do it!
Accept compliments! Never refuse them, that's a bad habit. Instead, smile and say "thank you!". You and the person in question, too will feel better this way.
~ End of Lesson One of "Improve Your Self Confidence". More to come later. ~
Labels: self confidence
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