November's Chick Flick - Twilight Hysteria
Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 9:35 PM
I wrote about more movies in October, but right now I'm tired and have got some packing to do, so I'll keep it
sweet and short. I went to watch Twilight today, and what shall I say... I was quite disappointed. There were some really lovely scenes, but overall it was not what I was expecting. (Partly my fault, I had too high expectations, I guess.)
Twilight: TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn't expect much of anything to change.
Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn't have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees straight into Bella's soul. Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for, a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy.
But what will Edward & Bella do when a clan of new vampires, James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life? --© Summit
My opinion: "This movie is definitely a victim of its own expectations", a quotation that I read
here sums up what I want to say. Even though my day (week, month) has been awkward, reminding myself that I get to have 2 hours Edward-time will make up for everything. But I didn't count with the dumb fangirls, who kept giggling and chatting next to me (damn annoying) and I didn't really care about the fact that its budget was quite low, either. My logic was pretty easy: book was good, movie will be good. End. Of. Story.
It didn't work. They left out so many important scenes and changed other ones, that probably someone who hasn't read the book can't keep up with the fast development.
(However, this doesn't mean that I'm not going to watch it every week until it comes out on DVD.)
I guess it would have been better if it would've been a 3-hours-long movie. You can't just skip some hundred pages from the book, duh! Every sentence is important.
What I liked about the movie:- Charlie!!
- Kristen's acting made up for (the not so many) faults of Rob
- Victoria and James
- The kissing scene (Who didn't love that...?)
- Edward's look after he saved Bella and realized what he has done
- Alice and Jasper together - uber cute!
- Kitchen scene at The Cullens (Rofl, cooking Italian food! "Is she even Italian?" - "Of course, she's Italian, her name is Bella..." And when Emett waves at her with that knife or what-the-hell-that-was!! EPIC WIN!)
- Jacob
- Baseball... Cullen-style!
- Edward's personal joke with the graduation caps
What I disliked about the movie:- Fast development
- Bella's mother (for some reason I don't feel that she was the right actress)
- Cullens' story left out
- Jessica (She wasn't THIS irritating in the book, was she?)
- Lots of important scenes left out
- The scenes after Bella sees Edward's skin sparkling... where's the lovey-dovey part? You didn't think that that small looking-at-each-other-for-a-while-scene when they are at the meadow is enough, did you? Wtb original lines from the book.
- Not enough Edward and Bella scenes
- Sparkles were slightly wierd
- Bella's Lullaby (Yiruma's River Flows in You is waay better.)
Probably many of you already know that Summit Entertainment has announced that "that the studio is officially moving ahead with a sequel to “Twilight”, to be based on the second novel in the series by Stephanie Meyer, “New Moon”."
If you don't...
"Los Angeles, CA November 22, 2008 — Summit Entertainment announced today that the studio is officially moving forward with the production of NEW MOON, the second installment of its filmed franchise TWILIGHT, the action-packed, modern day vampire love story. The movie will be based on the second novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series titled, New Moon. The first movie in the TWILIGHT franchise, the self-titled TWILIGHT, arrived in theaters this weekend to sold-out showings.
Stephenie Meyer stated, “I don’t think any other author has had a more positive experience with the makers of her movie adaptation than I have had with Summit Entertainment. I’m thrilled to have the chance to work with them again on NEW MOON."
I'll try to keep my expectations low this time. Even if it will be a hard thing to do.
Labels: chick flicks, entertainment
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So School These Days is Easy...?
@ 11:28 AM
Think again. School and the word "easy" has nothing to do with each other in my dictionary, for sure.
Why? Well, I wake up at 6 a.m., follow my morning routine, and end up sitting in a desk and wandering from class to class for sometimes 9 or 10 hours. Then, I have after-school activities, like ECDL class (lots of exams, cheers) and medicinal P.E. (which is only good for catching up with friends there). Finally, I get home around 5 p.m. (if I'm lucky), and do my homework for, at least 2-3 hours. Learning (additional 2 hours) not included. Easy much?
And now let's take a look at a 30-something's point of view."And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!"
Uhm, okay. But you know, I happen to go to the library quite often, because you can't find EVERYTHING on the internet. We use books, too. If you happen to do the same, get a dictionary and look up the word "stereotype"."There were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up!"
So, you are saying that we are spoiled, because we don't have to steal nowadays? Ooookay. And by the way: When we don't know the name of a song, or the artist, or basically anything of it, but we've heard it somewhere, we have to pay attention to the radio, as well. Just so you know."When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!"
I still have no idea who it is, when someone calls me. Because the number is normally hidden. Beat this, duh."Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 15 channels and there was no on screen menu and no remote control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on!"
I don't watch TV, to be honest. I download buy the episodes of my favourite series, because neither of the channels I have is airing them! Even if it's cable television. So, you can earase this nonsense, too. Cable tv doesn't help, at all."You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled... You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!"
And you wouldn't last for five seconds in the future 2020. Luckily, we would. Because we are some spoiled brats, who, even though have got is oh-so effing easy, know what LIFE is. Working all day. I bet you didn't have to study all day when you were this young... because you definitely had some spare time to steal music from shops.Regards,
"Kids", who would have lasted for five mintes in 1980... seriously.
Note: Well, it's true that it might be easier at some point. And harder, as well. Technics don't only ease our lives, but makes it harder, too.
Labels: school, stereotypes
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Random Rima Ranting # 2
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 7:24 PM
I bet all of you are sick of
RRR's (way too many nowadays), but
everything is soooo messed up!My
best friend, Tia texted me today to tell me she's
had a surgery and is in hospital now. I knew that this was coming, but not so soon! When she told me there were problems with her leg and her back, I did understand every word of what she said, but I was (am...) having so many problems that I wasn't ready for this. And I'm worried. I feel like a hypocrite.
And she won't get to go home for, at least two weeks. Until then, I'll keep texting her with cheerful bullsh!t, even if I feel down, like today. Aaaand I'll call her tomorrow morning, right after I wake up. Only thing(s) I can do right now (since she lives oh-so far away from my place).
Problem Number Two: Today all the feelings that have been piling up within me wanted to burst out and
I simply couldn't hold my tears back. During class. I suck. Nobody understood what the heck is wrong with me, and I HAD to go out the the bathroom to arrange everything within myself and put up a brave front again. Which absolutely didn't work, because everytime someone asked what's wrong I tore up. I was upset. Luckily (?), the teacher wanted to speak with me after class (she probably thought that I was sad about the awkward grade I got for my recitation), but I told her that moving is killing me and I couldn't learn much lately, and I'm sorry for my behaviour. She was kind of... shocked. I guess no-one ever saw me cry. I'm good at hiding my feelings. But she understood me, and tried to comfort me, which was uber kind of her, especially, because she can act like an evil witch sometimes.

Then, everyone (=girls in my group) started bombing me with questions. And I had no intentions of telling them why I cried, so I left them disappointed. Because seriously... if they can't ask "how are you" like once a month, why would I have to tell them what has been going on with me nowadays, which made me feel awkward? "We want to help you" - "You can't".
If you didn't care about my existence so far, why would I have to tell you anything...
So, they soon forgot that I was actually crying today and went back to acting like I didn't exist, at all. That's why I dislike them quite much. Hypocrites, hyopcrites... But I did tell my friends (who are in the other group - oh, god, why didn't I just say that I can't speak English, at all, and then we would be in the same one?), who agreed with me. And that sure did make me feel better.
The guys were kind of wierd. There are 5 of them in my group, and V (
remember skating?) acted like nothing happened. But when Carter came up, barfing and trying to annoy the girls around me (oh, C, you don't know how glad I was about that), V told him he was an @ss for acting like this. He also opened a window, saying "fresh air helps a lot [at times like these]". So, he did care about me. (And by the way! Yesterday I was at the hairdresser's and I got my hair blow-dried after dying the roots of my hair today, which I haven't done during this school year. Today, when we met at our lockers, V looked at me, and before going inside the classroom, he looked at me and asked " straightened your hair today?" with a cute look. I replied yes, and he nodded, in an "it looks good on you"-way. For some reason, I felt touched and happy.)
Carter took notes for me, while I was away at the bathroom, and he was pretty worried. Kindness. Something I really appreciate.
And finally, David decided to sit next to me at IT. He normally sits at another computer, so I was pretty suprised. My look was probably asking "Is your computer wrong or what?", because he asked immidiately whether it was okay for him to sit next to me.
Uh, whatever. I guess your girlfriend, who hates me for no specific reason, other than that our haircolour is the same (and she probably knows that last year you were into me, but I'm dense, and I would never go out with you), is going to kill both you and me. He tried to cheer me up. And it worked.
I guess it would be egoistic to assume that either of them likes me? Even if a part of me is trying to convince me about the opposite. Carter is really trying hard to get closer to me each day, and is acting rather charming nowadays, while V (who happens to have a girlfriend) is getting really protective and looks slightly jealous when C is around me too much.
No way, right?Labels: rima
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Wierd Question Number Two - Weakness
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ 7:59 PM
Today, during P.E. lesson I realized something wierd. It's not a big deal if a girl is weak, because some guys are actually attracted to clumsy ones (think about Edward Cullen!). But it's definitely different with boys - I don't think weakness is something that can be tolerated when it comes to males. It's just... awkward. I can't name any friend of mine who would fancy weak guys. Neither can I.
This month's question:
If you were a guy, would you be able to deal with weakness or would you rather do a lot of body-building to become stronger?I guess I would rather do the body-building. I would have to protect my beloved one, duh! And myself. (But as a girl... I'm fine with being a klutz.)
Off topic: I'm taking this Friday off, because I just can't pack up everything AND learn AND balance my personal life at the same time. I still plan to go and watch Twilight, but only after I'm done with the packing... I guess.
Labels: boys, wierd questions
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Snow and Moving
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 7:47 PM
This will be my weekly personal post to update about... everything going on right now with me. I'm not sure whether my sentences will make any sense, because I'm seriously tired. I guess I'm way too often drained. Basically all of my personal posts are about
me telling everyone how much my life sucks. I'm a whining biatch and I can't
blame PMS today. But!
I can blame two other things.1.)
Snow. I hate snow. It looks pretty at first, but then it turns into mud (or simply to water) and it will annoy me to hell. And that's exactly why I was in horror when I realized that it was snowing on Sunday. Thus, I skipped my dance class again, because I was way too depressed to move out. And finished all my assignments instead. Yes, I fail.
But again. I always wish for snow during Xmas. And wish it would just disappear right away after that.
Moving. You don't have an idea how much we've moved, already. Let's see... the number is over 10, for sure. And it freaks me out. When I told my friends their first question was "Again?". You see, not only me, but my whole family fails.
I HATE packing. I hardly have any freetime starting from today (well, it's not like I had much before, either, but still...) and when my step-dad told me to start packing, I replied with "learning > moving and packing". He obviously went mad. And I obviously didn't care. I always stressed that I will not be able to do this kind of "housework" during school, and that's why we should move during a break. My family obviously didn't care about my bitching. And so, I obviously don't care about theirs.
For some days I didn't even turn on Zero, my laptop. Which didn't really happen since I got him. (Yes, he is a male. In my mind, at least. And yes, he got his name from the anime called "Vampire Knight".) I actually don't really know what I was doing.... re-reading Twilight, probably. And writing essays. School = no life here.
Onto better news!I fell from the stairs today. At school. Well, it's not "better", for sure, but thus, I had a reason to skip medicinal P.E. Heh! Sprained my leg, hurts like hell, and the people around me were wondering whether I was still alive, but turned out I was, so they moved on. Luckily.
And here's the difference between a friend of mine (let's call her Debra) and my mother's reaction.
Mum: You are home early today.
Me: Yeah, I fell from the stairs at school, so I decided to skip medicinal P.E.
Mum: WHAT?!
Me: Don't worry, I only fell about 5 steps.
Mum: WHAT?!
Me: You know, I got used to it, already. I'm a klutz.
Me: I fell from the stairs today.
Debra: *laughs* Sounds like you.
Me: It sure does! But at least I have a reason to skip P.E.
Debra: Hell yeah.
See? I guess that's why my mother is always worried when I'm going somewhere alone, or she doesn't know where I am. Because I always get into trouble. The only trouble that seems to avoid me is Edward. Gah.
Anywho. I will not go on a hiatus or any kind of break, because we should have internet at our new house, too by this weekend. And that's what makes me feel slightly better. Call me addicted. But I use the web mainly only for blogging and learning (and checking my favourite sites). But I want to stress
I'm going to see Twilight this Friday. I texted another friend of mine, Ivy asking whether she'll join me or not. We go to med. P.E. together, and last week I told her how addicted to Twilight I am, and that I must see the movie next week (so, this week). She didn't promise to come with me, but she definitely did sound like she would be up for it. However, I still didn't get her reply. Weird much? Whatever. I'll see her in some days, anyway.
...and then I'll be able to write November's Chick Flicks. Yay! (Because, seriously, Twilight MUST be included.)
Labels: moving, rima
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PMS = Our Reason To Act Bitchy
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 8:19 PM
PMS* just an
excuse for us to cover up our bitchy behaviour? Lots of people think it is. But seriously... why would we
want to feel down and moody? Do we WANT to have cramps? Nah. Men who say that we play the PMS card too often should be turned into a woman for 2 years to deal with this little "excuse", then give birth to a child, and look after it for some months. They would definitely not complain about us behaving like this every once in a while.
The other reason might be that
we are under way more pressure than men. We must look beautiful, be clever, caring, a good housewife (in the future... but we do have to learn cooking, do the dishes and other housework to "practice" for our future lives...) and be good at work/school, too. Isn't that too much already?
Dear Eve,Personally, we hate you for eating that certain something (which might not be an apple at all) from the tree, back then. Why, oh why couldn't you restrain yourself from doing that? You are the reason for cramps and pain at childbirth.
Screw you.
PMS-ing Girls
And now... some help to fight this evil enemy.- Consume at least 1200 mg Calcium a day. Saves you from cramps. All hail the researches.
- Take Vitamin E and B6. All hail researches again.
- Eat lots of low-fat food, vegetables fruit and cereal.
- The magic word: Magnesium. Reduces breast tenderness and your craving for sugar.
Want to laugh a bit?
Check out this site, which
tells guys when their wives/sisters/daughters/etc. have PMS. "Simply enter the date of your woman's last cycle and PMSBuddy will send you an e-mail reminding you of your impending doom. You can receive as little or as much notice as you'd like -- anything from one day (if you just want to stay a little late at the office) to five (if you need a little more time to fake your death)...
The site also recommends steps you can take to mitigate the damage (and bolster its corporate partnerships) –- like buying flowers from 1-800-Flowers or chocolate from Godiva. Neither of which will do any good at all, by the way." Hilarious! Too bad it's not a joke. Anyway, have fun!
Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS, as it is more commonly known is a disorder that affects millions of women monthly. With more than 150 symptoms, it can sometimes be a chore to get a correct diagnosis.-
Women's Health IssuesLabels: pms
4 notes
Two Things About Being a School Girl
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 4:24 PM
I want to write about something... interesting, positive today. I've always wanted to have a writing style which can keep people interested, but still cheer them up every once in a while. I guess I still have to learn. Oh, well!
I bet you all know what
The Daily Meme is. (I figured it out a bit too late, so I'm pretty new to it.) Anyway, a meme is: "In the context of web logs / 'blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it's some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Then someone else sees them and does them and so on and so on."
So, here's an interesting one!
It's called "Two Things". What the heck might that be, you ask?
"You know, the Two Things. For every subject, there are really only two things you really need to know. Everything else is the application of those two things, or just not important." Love the idea.
This lovely blog started the whole thing, just for the record.
I wonder what the Two Things are regarding our work, being a school girl? It depends on the person, probably. But I'll to think about something useful.
Be yourself. Being on drugs, going to parties and getting drunk just to please your friends, acting like a bitchy witch are definitely in nowadays, but you don't always need to follow the "fashion" trends, do you?
If someone asks your who your hero is, your reply should be Mulan. Because she can turn into a guy, get a guy, and turn back into a girl. (I wonder where have I read this before?)
Plus one from Yahoo: "Only have imaginary friends & don't be surprised if even they let you down." Hah. Clever.
So, what would you say about your "job"? If you write about being a school girl (and so will others), I'll write another post regarding this topic, and quote your ideas (+link back), if you allow me to do so. ;) Feel free to do this meme as your daily blog. Have fun!
Labels: meme, random
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"I'm Not Going To Get Married!"
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 8:10 PM what I often say nowadays. Because, seriously,
over 50% of marriages end in divorce nowadays. And why would I need to prove my love by signing a paper, which might cause lots of problems when it comes to divorce? Nah, marriage is not my style. I have way too many con reasons. For example, I get bored of people easily. Namely, from boyfriends. Sounds bitchy? It's still true. If someone can't keep me interested, can't show anything new, I don't feel sorry to dump them. There's no point in hiding the truth, as they say. So, why do my parents believe, that me, a girl, who hadn't had a boyfriend for more than 6 months (which is absolutely her record, others could only "last" until some weeks, if they were lucky) could EVER get married? A bond that would last for a lifetime? Might work for others. But not for me.
Probably any guy (or girl?) might hate me reading this. And I'm sorry if that's the case.
Don't keep reading if you are one of them, please."Marriage isn't what you think it is.
It's a license you give the government that allows greedy opportunistic lawyers to steal everything you own. Here in America there are a lot of people making a lot of money splitting up relationships hunting for people like you to suck you dry."
Do you agree with this? I don't know. It sounds a bit too harsh, even if a part of me is nodding all the way.
I hate that getting married is an expectation from my family.
Or am I only complaining about this because of PMS? I doubt that. "You will change your mind!" What if I won't? "You MUST change your mind!" You hear the difference, right?
We all grow up with tales of girls and guys dating, marrying, and settling down. We watch all the sitcoms about how wives act and how husbands act. We have all these stereotypes in our head about the woman being used as a slave and nagging all the time. We have stereotypes about guys belching, sitting on the couch and scratching our privates.
We also build up these fantasies about a wife being a perfect cook that never looks at another guy - and the husband earning the money, coming home and bringing his lovely wife flowers."
I don't want to marry just to please others. This is my life. Why would they have a reason to ruin it? Shouldn't they just accept the way I live? It's not bad for my health, or anything...
"They don't live in your house (hopefully!) or live your day to day life. Only you know what is best for you. They are free to marry who they want.
They don't have the right to then force YOU to make life-changing decisions because THEY think it would be fun.If they want to order people around or play match-maker, they should buy a copy of the Sims and make little computer-people get married. In your world, you are in charge and you should ONLY consider marrying if it is 100% right for you. You are the one who has to live with the consequences."
You don't need to agree. Just think over this whole... question. And share your ideas/arguments! I wonder if I'm the only one who is so much against this tradition.
Anyway, I guess I will write a pro-post about marriage, as well. I don't want to be too negative.
Labels: marriage
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Shugo Chara! Something Worth To Watch.
@ 4:51 PM
You might already know that I'm addicted to animes. A bit.
Shugo Chara is my favourite right now (besides some other ones), because the whole story is really unique and creative. The idea of it is simply... beautiful.
It tells everyone to become what they want to be and never let go of their dreams. Everyone should watch it. Seriously!

"Amu Hinamori is a student at Seiyo Elementary, where she has a reputation for being "cool and spicy"; however, her real personality is that of an extremely shy and easily intimidated girl.
One night Amu makes a wish that she would have the courage to be reborn as her "would-be" self. The next morning Amu finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. Each egg eventually hatches into a Guardian Character: Ran, Miki, and Su. Guardian Characters are angel-like beings that aid a person into becoming their "would-be" selves and fulfill the person's dreams.
The Guardian Characters accomplish this by giving encouragement and advice, but they can also temporarily change a person's personality and abilities. With the Guardian Characters, Amu's life becomes much more complex as she now struggles to deal with her new personalities and the Seiyo Elementary Guardians—a student council group where each member has their own Guardian Character—who recruits Amu to search for and seal the X eggs and X Characters, corrupted forms of people's dreams." -
MyAnimeList.netGive this anime a try. You may love it, you may hate it, you may become obsessed with it. Even if you are sceptical. Every episode starts with a voice saying "all kids hold and egg in their heart", which may either make you freak out or think it makes sense. Anyway, I don't think that even one episode of this anime is a waste of time.
Labels: anime, entertainment
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Top 5 Websites of November
Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 6:12 PM
I have a hard time dealing with my writer's block, but I realized that the
monthly features might help me out. Hopefully. So, I decided to stick with
Top 5 Websites today. I'm kind of tired, I had to skip dance class to write an essay about Herodotus and Thukydides. It was tiresome... but I want to get an A in History badly, so I decided to give my best, and worked 2 and a half hours on it. Duh.
Well, then. Let's get started!
Twilighters Anonymus - I became "slightly" addicted with the book(s). (Actually, I can't wait to watch the movie, I have the soundtrack already [and I'm absolutely disappointed with Bella's lullaby, I wanted Yiruma's "River Flows in You"...], my wallpaper features Edward, I spend hours on fansites, etc.) You can find EVERYTHING about Twilight on this site. Lots of pictures, information, videos, a Twilipedia, and the news blog is updated way too often. I can't keep up with the posts. So, if you are a fan, like myself, I encourage you to visit this great site.
Reverse Harem Garden - I'm not sure whether you are familiar with animes or not, but this site features reverse harem animes and mangas, which means, that there is a main girl character surrounded by handsome males. Oh, I'm a fan of those. And I'm sure most girls feel the same way. Maybe you should check at least one of them out? "Here we offer chockful of premade layouts, and about almost everything else needed to enhance your site or simply to hone your design skill." Tells everything. You can find lots of useful graphics and downloads here, which might help you a lot.
StarPlay - "StarPlay is music education software that lets you practice by performing with professional musicians, bands and renowned orchestras... StarPlay listens to your performance and helps you perfect the piece with instant feedback as you play. With StarPlay you practice with real musicians, playing real music using your own instrument!"
Gossip Girl Insider - Yet another fansite, but this time it's a Gossip Girl one. If you don't know the series, check it out. You'll love it. If you do, do the same. You'll love the site. Updated frequently, thousands of pictures, quotes, and everything you might need.
Plus one!Messenger Plus! Live - "Do you have MSN?" If your answer is yes, you might find some helpful scripts, sounds, skins, and help here.
From now on, I'm going to try and beat my writer's block. I want to write about Twilight, Shugo Chara, and The Veronicas sooo much. And these are only some of my plans...
Labels: boredom, entertainment, top 5 websites
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Lollipops, Shugo Chara and Three Days Grace
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 6:33 PM
I haven't written a single word since a week. I suck. I suck. I suck. And my life sucks! But
I'm having my being-depressed-for-a-month-time, because of all the pressure, which is put on my weak shoulders, and which absolutely can't take a) moving b) my brother's upcoming prom (why am I the one to stress over this? Because I don't know what present to get him!) and c) learning, learning, learning. I forgot d) my mother complaining about my fashion style. "Ugh, sorry? I wear these clothes, not you. I didn't even ask you to buy them, I wanted to tell you recently that I'm about to apply for a job...." (Yeah, I'm slow. I called lots of agencies to check which of them have the highest payment for the worst job ever.)
So, basically,
I'm drained. And I having a hard time dealing with my writer's block. Especially, because I want to write about so many things! But they just won't come out the right way... or any way. Instead,
I keep watching Shugo Chara, listening to Three Days Grace (a band which won't cheer you up, for sure, but I still love them), and eating candies. Which I am absolutely not in lack of, because my school holds a prom-like thing to the freshmen every year, and we get to torture them in our on ways. I told my "Little Elf" to tell an unknown guy that she has been in love with him since she entered the school and would do anything for him. Cruel? Nah. I went easy on her. (Everyone in my class got a freshmen, because we were freshmen ourselves a year ago... and that's how it goes. Next year they will get to torture their elves.)
The whole class had to make a bag of candy and other sweets for us, so... my teeth hurt. Like hell. And there are still so many lollipops here...
On the other hand, I bought a cute coat, a lovely pair of boots and Twilight (!!) today. Awesome. My day sucked, otherwise. (I have many issues to deal with right now. That's why I'm incapable of giving advice nowadays. Sorry.)
And when I came home, totally pleased with myself, my mother started shouting at me telling me that the coat is too short and I'll get a cold (that will not be the cause of my cold, it's most likely to be one of my classmates sitting next to me....), and the soles of the boots are too thin. I. Am. So. Effing. Fed. Up.
I wanted to tell her how happy I am that I survived this shitty day, and that I finally got Twilight, although the girl at the bookstore told me that they wouldn't have it until some months! I only went inside the shop to look for something for my brother. And I accidentally saw it. My jaws dropped. I was in heaven. I came home. I'm in hell right now.
Labels: random, rima
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One Minute Writer: Something You Should Really Check Out
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 6:15 PM
I haven't posted in 5 days. This is such a sad thing (for me). I kind of feel ashamed, because I always make some time to write, no matter how hectic school (and life) is. This is a great practice for me, and thanks to this blog I'm still somewhat near of my all-time biggest dream, becoming a writer. (During the years this was the only all-time biggest dream that didn't change, but it still doesn't mean that I want to spend my time writing books, which may never get published).
So, yeah... I'm the worst kind of blogger. And I have one more issue...

Lucky you and lucky me, I'm addicted to quite many personal and not-so personal blogs. My newest favourite is
One Minute Writer.
This lovely site helps lots of people to create a daily journal in a way that they only need to write for a minute every day. The whole idea is just so A-W-E-S-O-M-E. So, go and check it out, it might inspire or help you, too!
Today's Writing Prompt: Stranger
Write about the something nice a stranger did for you.
Well, this happened to me about two days ago. I was on the bus, and some lame kids were pretending to be cool by saying gross things, being loud, listening to their crappy music, and annoying everyone to hell. Unfortunately (?) ALL of my emotions show on my face. If I think "you are such an idiot", everyone can read it from it. If I think "the world is coming to an end, I guess", it shows, too. Sometimes it's quite troublesome.
Anyway, I didn't realize that a man (around age 25) has been looking at my face for quite a long time, thus, he knew what I was thinking (I hope he didn't know that I wanted to throw heavy rocks at those kids, duh!).
After a while, he went to them and told to shut up, because no one is interested in their bullsh*t. I was sooo surprised, wondering if he did this for himself, for everyone, or just me (arrogant, aren't I?). Then, he went back to the place he was standing before, looked at me, and smiled. I whispered "thank you", and smiled back at him. He was watching me until I got off the bus.
It was a bit freaky, but lovely at the same time.
Labels: random, writing
3 notes